E-commerce SaaS
Rapido E-commerce is a SaaS system to be sold to shops and off-licenses who could then easily set up their online shop using our software. The system allowed users to upload an excel sheet of products to be added to the system, upload images, set prices, sales, deals and options for click and collect or shipping, customer login area etc. You can see an example of a shop using this live site button.
Front-End: On the frontend of this system I built the whole customer area, I created the customer login, create-account, forgotten-password pages. I also built the customer’s dashboard which is the first thing they see when they login, it displays their recent orders along with the current status of those orders. Customers are able to view their addresses, add, edit or delete addresses and set their default shipping and billing addresses. I also built the product category and search pages.
Back-End: On the backend of this system I built the model, controller and database migration files for customers, addresses, products, product categories, . Along with those I created the blade files for viewing, adding, editing and deleting those on the admin side of the system.
On Rapido I also built a system to mass create shipping labels. An admin could highlight a selection of orders, choose the label format they needed depending on the shipping company used. Once submitted the system would generate a CSV file filled with all the orders details, this CSV fill could then be used to print all the required shipping labels via the shipping label printer.